Things we say at the library…

Words of truth from TheLittlePrince to a random stranger at the library…

TheLittlePrince: “My poop is brown.”

Stranger: *looks at me with pity*

Me: “I can’t take him anywhere.”

TheLittlePrince: “I’m just kidding.”

Me: :/

And this, kids, is why we don’t talk to strangers.

Jackie speaks truth, man.

We all float down here…

The Arnolds ventured out to the public pool this week. All was well until it came time for the usual pool check. The boys, being public pool virgins, had never heard of a pool check. They grumbled as they climbed out of the water and baked in the sun. The beautiful, cool liquid beckoned to us as the lifeguards set to work.

Z-boy whined, “What are they looking for?”

“Dead bodies,” replied TheWiseOne.

I can’t take these kids anywhere.

Pennywise wants to swim with you.

What I Did in May…

TheWiseOne: “Mommy, have you made another blog post?

Me: (sheepishly) “No…”

TheWiseOne: “We should change the name of The Arnold Weekly…”

Me: “… to The Arnold-Whenever-Mommy-Feels-Like-It?”

I know. I’m bad.

Who’s bad? This girl. 😉

I’ve spent my blog vacation being productive… kind of. Here is a short video that basically sums up the month of May (and perhaps every other day of my life as a mom). All moms will be able to relate to this.

DISCLAIMER: This adorable woman is not me, but you can rest assured that I am equally adorable… only there’s more of me to be adorable. 😛

So, yes. I was productive…. kind of.

And here’s where the “kind of” comes in. I bought a pair of white, canvas shoes, took them home, and doodled my favorite things on them with Sharpie marker.

My custom, Sharpie shoes covered in all doodles and all my favorite quotes and symbols: Colonel Brandon, Cory and Topanga, John 3:16, Doctor Who, and more!

I posted the shoes on Facebook, and the response was awesome! My friends loved them and wanted a pair for themselves, too! So, I started an Etsy store: Canvas Hart

The “Hart” comes from H (for Holly) + Art = Hart. 

A pair of Asian-inspired shoes commissioned by a cool friend!
A pair of Asian-inspired shoes commissioned by a cool friend!

I’m super excited to see where my new hobby will lead me! There’s something so fun and gratifying when I make these cool illustrations on shoes! ❤

Here’s to making June an even more exciting and productive month than May! 😀